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zfsonlinux and kernel 3.6.6-1-ARCH

I run into a lot of trouble when i try to compile and want to run the current state of zfsonlinux. I tried a lot and by spending more time then expected and doing configurations/script adaptations i real don't understand 100 percent, i was able to keep things running. Nevertheless, i am happy that the aur package from zfsonlinux is updated a few hours ago. While writing, i have finished the building and now my zfs is up and running smoothly :-).

Back on the trusted aur package site of arch linux, you just have to follow a few steps to keep your zfs back online. Following are the links to the the aur package, followed by the git source file and the aur pacman informations you need for building (makepkg). spl-uitls spl zfs-utils zfs

Thanks again to the team of and also to the aur package maintainer demizer (including every member of his team) by providing this easy way of using this great filesystem on linux. Not perfectly matching but also worth a look, at the EuroBSDcon, there was a session about "tuning ZFS on FreeBSD". It is FreeBSD but take some minutes and take a look at the slides. The more you know about zfs, the more you can handle it (and praise a bit to the r.i.p. company sun of course).


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