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web - PhpStorm EAP 7 released

PhpStorm has jumped to the major version of 7.

From the PHP side we are glad to announce:

PHP 5.5 support: generators, coroutines, finally keyword, list in foreach, using empty() on the result of function calls and other expressions, class name resolution as scalar via class keyword, constant array/string dereferencing

Drupal Plugin: integration for modules, themes and core development. Hooks (completion for hook declaration, quick documentation, navigation to hook invocations), automatic assistance in development environment configuration, command line tool integration for Drush, Search in Drupal API. Please read full tutorial

Smart Step Into (PHP Debug)

Extract Interface refactoring for PHP

Built-in SSH terminal

Automatic alignment of PhpDoc comments at edit time

Smart line split on Ctrl+Enter (Cmd-Enter)

INI plugin is bundled


I've switched one machine so far, lets see if i can feel a major improvement in the next week. By the way, have i mention that i love the plugins?


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