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RaspberryPi And Hardware Video Playback

Sadly but true, the local hamburg public transport stops "transporting" at half past one on weekdays, so i decided to watch the Fnord News Show at home.

Nothing special so far but there is this tiny raspberrypi near my full hd screen. I decided boot up the pi, start notion and wanted to watch the stream "on big screen".
Well, chromium was more a slideshow, mplayer was working but only in a slide show or with tiny video size (by the way, the load was way to high for a single core machine). A quick search on the web and i found thread. This thread links to a page called Hardware-accelerated video playback on the Raspberry Pi. To keep it short, mplayer isn't shipped with a hardware support, so simple install omxplayer, open your stream and you get full hd and hardware decoded video playback.


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