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current Software Components Available On Github And Packagist (Symfony Console Command, IO, Application and Configuration Format Converter)

After getting more and more into the great world of composer based systems, i tried to reuse code from my current and ongoing projects and cast them into separat components.

Right now, the follwing are available: - Symfony Console IO - Influenced by a teammate and by composer, i wanted to have IO object in my console applications. - Symfony Console Command - Since the IO component makes more sense in the command and since, again influenced by teammate and composer, i wanted to have a command code that stops me from repeating myself in different console applications. - Symfony Console Application - The last package from my lab, like the command, this package is a application with my flavor. - Component Configuration Converter - I was getting sick of converting configuration formats from one to another, so i create a component for that. Currently the following formats are available: - YAML - XML - JSON - PHPArray

All Packages are availalbe on and i would be glad if you are going to test them in the real world and add some defects.


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