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MySQL - While do procedure example

Just a small example of how write a procedure / function in mysql (5.x) by using a simple while loop for inserting (example testdata) into a database.

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS doWhileArtodeto; DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE doWhileArtodeto() BEGIN DECLARE int1 INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE int2 INT DEFAULT 50; int1loop: WHILE int1 <= int2 DO INSERT INTO `my_db`.`my_table` (`name`,`value`) VALUES('artodeto',int1); SET v1 = int1 + 1; END WHILE int1loop; END// DELIMITER ; CALL doWhileArtodeto(); DROP PROCEDURE doWhileArtodeto;

Feel free to use. It should be self explanatory, if not, do not use it (remember, you should always know what code you copy and what you do).

If you want to know more, try the following links. Procedure tutorial Manual about while on


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