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Tool - Create Multiboot USB Stick - windows linux

Since the capacity of usb sticks are raising and raising, it would be a perfect deal to have "one usb stick for all live operation systems".
For that reason, the boys and girls from sardu have created a beautiful windows tool for you. It is so simple and quite powerful that you just need to download, use and donate to it!

Wait, you are already on the right os side with the cookies and also want to have a tool like that?
Try to use liveusb.


artodeto's blog about coding, politics and the world on : Web - Create bootable usb stick with multiple linux iso files

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Ok, as everybody i am running out of time but i want to play around some linux distributions. For playing around you either need some virtual pc's or a real one and some blank cd's/dvd's. Inasmuch as i want to install it on a subnotebook, i decided to


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