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zenburn for vim and phpstorm

Zenburn, a colorschema you are adding and thinking "wow, how could i code without". I used it at home but never wrote any words about them. So here are the first to links to available zenburn application colorschemas :-). zenburn for vim. You have to add the following lines to your .vimrc.

syntax on set t_Co=256 colorscheme zenburn
zenburn for phpstorm.

web - Virtual Reality Gaming Is Just Around The Corner

[...] In the released videos so far, we see a man combining the Omni with an Occulus Rift headset and running around gunning down enemies in Team Fortress 2. Another is seen strolling through Skyrim. Certain in-game features would still require a controller, but throw in some Kinect support (which is already there) and we're starting to see some pretty impressive Virtual Reality gaming in the next year or so. [...]
source The source link contains a video and it is cool as hell. Klick and watch it :-D.

php storm earth day nice price until 22. of april 2013

Ever tried php storm and thought about purchasing this software? Well, it could be your week. The Personal License is available for 53 Euro (exklusive VAT). Go to the page and purchase.

PhpStorm is also available as aur package.

If you want to use build in update mechanism, go to /opt/phpstorm and try the following. create a group called developer by using "groupadd developer". Add your useraccout to the group by using "usermod -a -G developer myUser". Since you are in "/opt/phpstorm", you now have to change the group from root to developer by using "sudo chgrp -R developer *". After that you have to add the write right for the new group by using "sudo chmod -R g+w *". Thats it, happing using.

Getting the following error:

raspberry pi openpvn
and thats why you have to start phpstorm via console? Open /opt/phpstorm/bin/ and search for following line.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMMENT LINE BELOW TO REMOVE PAUSE AFTER OPEN JDK WARNING # --------------------------------------------------------------------- read IGNORE
Change it to.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMMENT LINE BELOW TO REMOVE PAUSE AFTER OPEN JDK WARNING # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # comment line by artodeto 130418 # read IGNORE

web - "Bereitschaft für Content zu zahlen ist da"

Die deutschen Zeitungen bieten rund 400 Apps für Smartphones und Tablets an, knapp zwei Drittel davon kostenpflichtig. "Die Bereitschaft, für digitale Ausgaben zu bezahlen, ist da. Aber sie ist noch ausbaufähig", sagte Hans-Joachim Fuhrmann, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung des Bundesverbands Deutscher Zeitungsverleger (BDZV). Das geht aus einer Erhebung des BDZV hervor, die am 10. April 2013 bei der Konferenz "Digitale Erlösmodelle" vor Verlagsmanagern und Journalisten vorgestellt wurde.

Selbst erfüllende Prophezeiung, seit über einem Jahr versucht jeder Verleger mittlerweile eine Paywall vor seinem (meist billig gekauften) Inhalt zu klatschen. Dazu steigt die Zahl der reinen Konsumgeräte aka Tablets und "Smartphones" (die Büchsen, die man so schrecklich unkomfortabel öffnen kann). Der O-Ton "nicht produzieren, sondern fleißig konsumieren" schlägt einem immer Stärker ins Gesicht.