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PHP UserGroup Hamburg - 2016-02-09 - Putting down the leadtime

Following some notes about my the last php usergroup meetup.

By Judith Andresen

  • what is the leadtime?
    • time between adding the ticket and releasing it as a feature
  • what is a cycletime?
    • time between someone has an idea and releaseing it as a feature
  • we are currently in a time of digital transformation to the "first mover"
    • first idea try/test is the one who owns the bigges marked share
    • try to not be perfect
    • remove bottlenecks
    • try to scale vertical (microservice, duplicated data)
      • one team and service per business value/topic
        • search (including frontend, backend, customer data etc.)
        • product page
      • "community of practice" is a team (per vertical cut/team) that try
        • to keep the big architecture picture in mind
        • to share knowledge, approach and libraries
    • try to add a decision-maker into the team (extend the team in the value chain)
    • try to bring people together, also on an emotional level (increase the "we" feeling)
    • you can argue always with a decreased leadtime / small time to market
  • typical "facts" against
    • we have never done that this way
    • my discipline is better, information silos, no talk between departments (typically between 20 and 80 peoples)
    • there is no "we"
  • how?
    • talk to each other
    • major goal: deliver fast
    • create room for improvment or options
      • time
      • people
      • space/room

PHP UserGroup Hamburg - 2016-02-09 - Dockerizing PHP Applications

Following some notes about my the last php usergroup meetup.

By Sebastian Heuer

  • docker is not one tool but a whole ecosystem
    • machine (provisioning)
    • swarm (clustering and container scheduling)
    • compose (multi container application)
    • registry (image distribution)
    • engine (the container)
    • ktematic (gui)
  • pretty small compared to virtual box/full virtual machines
  • updating means, building a new container
  • theoretically, you can use all the images from the hub
    • always ask yourself if you want to use them in production
      • are they maintained
      • how secure are they
  • docker compose
    • builds and pulls images
    • runs containers
    • enables networking between containers
    • aggregates STDOUT and STDERR output

example Dockerfile

FROM php:7.0.2-fpm

RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo pdo_mysql

COPY php/php.ini /usr/local/etc/php/
# copy the content of the source code into the image
# you can ship this code version now
COPY . /srv/meetup-service

# the date in the container is not persistent
# if ypu change something in it, it will bill lost afterwards

CMD ["php-fpm"]

example docker-compose.yml

  build: ./nginx    #path to the docker file and configuration etc
    - application
    - "80:80"   #from port 80 to port 80
    - application
  build: ./meetup-service   #your project
    - database
    - "9000:9000"
    - ./meetup-service:/srv/meetup-service  #mounting local source code into the container
    - MYSQL_HOST=database
    - MYSQL_DATABASE=application
    - MYSQL_USER=root
    - MYSQL_PASSWORD=parola
  image: mysql:5.7  #no build path, instead an image is used
    - /var/lib/mysql
    - "3306:3306"