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web - Gutachten für NSA-BND-Untersuchungsausschuss: BND-Operationsgebiet Inland

Der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) kann bei seiner Massenüberwachung nicht sicher zwischen in- und ausländischen Datenverkehren unterscheiden, ohne detailliert Inhalte der Kommunikation zu analysieren. Das belegt ein vom Chaos Computer Club (CCC) im Auftrag des NSA-BND-Untersuchungsausschusses des Deutschen Bundestages angefertigtes Sachverständigengutachten. [...]


web - 32C3 tickets are available now

You can find the ticket store at

We try to make congress affordable for everyone – therefore we are happy to announce that the standard ticket price is cheaper than last year, now at 90 EUR.

However, please consider buying a supporter ticket to help covering our costs, because the standard tickets won’t cover everything we need to pay for. Supporter tickets are available at 110 EUR and 130 EUR. Business tickets are available at 450 EUR, 600 EUR and 750 EUR and come with an invoice.

In case you are on a tight budget and you cannot afford the regular price, do not hesitate to contact us via the ticket shop or by sending a mail to We will work something out.


See you there :-D.
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