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tool php classmap generator packagist

After a month, i've finished a tool to create a classmap from a php project. The current stable version is v1.4 and can be found on as well as on Why? Well, obviously because i can (and wanted to learn a few things like tokens, or symfony console) ;-). But for real, when you have to deal with legacy projects or code but want to remove the strange and slow existing autoloader (with all its exception), the easiest way to do this is by using a classmap. I also tried to find a classmap generator that can deal with psr-0 and not psr-0 files, all i could find are generators that support psr-0 files. A classmap itself is just a php array. The key is the full qualified classname and the value is the relative path to the file. Creating a classmap on your own is suitable when you have to manage a number of files below 20. But when it comes to more you can not effort the time to maintain that file. So for a lot of files that are not covert by composer, the classmap generator should be well suitable. It is planned to implement a "phar" classmap generation for the upcoming version. When you want to create phar files, this could be a timesaver as well. The classmap generator is build by using symfony\console and yes, it is a joy to work with that component! Shame on me, the current version is not covered by unittests. After i implemented the current features from the todo list, this will be my major task.

The classmap generator can handle all kind of php files like: - Interface - Abstract Class - Class The generator can handle files with or without namespace. Even files with multiple definitions (interface, abstract class and class in one file) is no problem. Furthermore, you can create multiple configuration files and update this classmaps when needed. Like well known from the composer, the classmap generator is able to create a autoloader file for you. The created autoloader will use the created classmap file and supports psr-0 autoloading. source/link to the wiki

What is left to write? Of course i'm proud about this. What you see right now is the work of one month and after i finished the core design, i rebuild a lot by replacing my cli application class with the symfony\console component. I hope you can use the tool. If you need help or found a bug, contact me on