Ich bin über den nachfolgenden Kommentar gestolpert und musste herzlich über die tiefgreifende Wahrheit und die pure Erkenntnis aus diesen wenigen Worten schmunzeln.
Mainframe hatten wir doch schon...
... alles in der Cloud ist ja sowas von gestern.
Das hatten wir doch alles, nannte sich Mainframe und kostete bei Verbindungsausfall eine Menge Geld..
Schmunzeln musste ich wohl auch aus dem Grund, als dass der übernächsten Generation scheinbar immer das aus der aktuellen Generation verkauft wird, nur mit neuem Namen.
Passenderweise ergab sich heute in einem Gespräch eine Parallele dazu über das Thema Bodypump und wie auch immer es heute genannt wird.
I just migrated my installation from owncloud 9 to nextcloud 9.0.50.
Only one thing is not working, the notes application simple shows me an empty list of notes. beside that, it is more like a new theme.
At the moment we only support manual migrations from ownCloud 8.2 and 9.0 to Nextcloud 9.
To do that please follow the usual upgrading steps:
* Delete everything from the ownCloud folder except data and config
* Download the Nextcloud 9 release from https://nextcloud.com/install/43
* Put the files into the folder where the ownCloud files where before
* Trigger the update either via OCC or via web.
#make a backup of your database
#log into your server and cd to the owncloud path
#assuming your installation is in the directory "cloud"
./occ maintenance:repair
cd ..
wget https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-9.0.50.zip
unzip nextcloud-9.0.50.zip
cp -rv cloud/config nextcloud/
cp -rv cloud/data nextcloud/
mv cloud owncloud
mv nextcloud cloud
cd cloud
./occ upgrade
./occ app:list
#enable the apps you want
Update from 2016-06-26
I created a small upgrade.sh script. Here it is.
# @author stev leibelt
# @since 2016-06-26
#begin of runtime environment validation
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
echo "invalid number of variables provided"
echo "upgrade.sh "
exit 1
if [[ -d backup ]]; then
echo "backup directory sill exists"
exit 1
#end of runtime environment validation
#begin of local runtime variables
LOCAL_CURRENT_DATE=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')
#end of local runtime variables
#begin of downloading new version
unzip *.zip
#end of downloading new version
#begin of making backups
cd public
tar --ignore-failed-read -zcf "public.$LOCAL_CURRENT_DATE.tar.gz" public
./occ maintenance:singleuser --on
cd ../
mkdir backup
cp -rv public/config backup/
cp -rv public/data backup/
#end of making backups
#begin of upgrade
mv nextcloud public
cp -rv backup/config public
cp -rv backup/data public
cd public
./occ upgrade
./occ maintenance:singleuser --off
echo "enable the apps you need with ./occ app:enable "
./occ app:list
#end of upgrade
* Federated Cloud
* Favorites/Metadata support
* Improved Search
* Web interface enhancements
* Performance
* Admin Usability
* Improvements in Documents and overall speed and performance and a ton of bugfixes and polish.
Version 1.7.0 of ownCloud's open-source client is now available for this Dropbox competitor.
The ownCloud 1.7.0 client introduces support for overlay icons that are supported by the popular file managers where ownCloud is used, selective sync is another added feature, and there's been a huge amount of bug fixes and other improvements.
More information on the updated ownCloud 1.7.0 client can be found via this blog post by ownCloud developer Klaas Freitag.