Posted by artodeto on Sunday, July 12. 2015
I needed to convert a VCF file into a CSV file by fetching the important and readable informations.
Thanks to the bazzline component it was a quick win/no brainer. You can find the result here . It is written under GPL-3 License .
How to use it?
open a terminal / command line
git clone
cd incubator/general/vcf_to_csv_converter
Posted by artodeto on Monday, July 6. 2015
I am happy to announce the release of 1.5.3 of bazzlines csv component for php .
Important changes are:
Since Version 1.5.2
Since Version 1.5.1
Since Version 1.5.0
Since Version 1.4.0
started cli example to easy up usage
added "rewind" call when using reader::readAll() and reader::readMany()
Posted by artodeto on Friday, June 26. 2015
I am happy to announce the release of 1.3.0 of bazzlines csv component for php .
Important changes are:
Since Version 1.3.0
added headline output support as keys for Reader::readMany()
added headline output support as keys for Reader::readOne()
can be disabled by Reader::disableAddHeadlineToOutput()
can be enabled by Reader::enableAddHeadlineToOutput()
is enabled by default
fixed broken unit test for php 5.3
moved complex array combine into own project
removed duplicated code in Reader
Since Version 1.2.0
Since Version 1.1.0
added link to api
added minimum php version requirement
implemented "move($path)" method into Writer
removed "TODO"
updated dependencies
Posted by artodeto on Sunday, June 7. 2015
I am happy to announce the release of 1.0.0 of bazzlines csv component for php .
works with PHP 5.3 and above
__invoke() implemented to use it as function
unified reader and writer
adapter to easy up migration from EasyCsv - 0.0.1 to this component
implemented iterator
writeAll(); //truncates file and writes content