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web - USB Fußpedal für den vi/vim

Wenn man einen vi/vim Editor nutzt, muss man die Taste "i" betätigen um einen Text eingeben zu können. Diese wiederkehrende Aufgabe hat ein findiger Nutzer diese Aufgabe zu seinem Fuß delegiert. Er suchte nach einem extrem günstigen USB-Fußpedal und fand eins. Die Wunschvorstellung war "sende ein i beim darauf treten" und "sende ein ESC beim fuß entfernen" und diese Aufgabe konnte er auch umsetzen. Aktuell sucht der Bauherr nach einem verbesserte Model um "Hinzufügen am Anfang und am Ende der Zeile" ebenfalls delegieren zu können. Quelle

web - New speech-jamming gun hints at dystopian Big Brother future

Japanese researchers have created a hand-held gun (pictured above) that can jam the words of speakers who are more than 30 meters (100ft) away. The gun has two purposes, according to the researchers: At its most basic, this gun could be used in libraries and other quiet spaces to stop people from speaking — but its second application is a lot more chilling. The researchers were looking for a way to stop “louder, stronger” voices from saying more than their fair share in conversation. The paper reads: “We have to establish and obey rules for proper turn-taking when speaking. However, some people tend to lengthen their turns or deliberately interrupt other people when it is their turn in order to establish their presence rather than achieve more fruitful discussions. Furthermore, some people tend to jeer at speakers to invalidate their speech.” In other words, this speech-jamming gun was built to enforce “proper” conversations.

Would be a strange feeling on a demo when you see somebody speaking but you can not hear anything :-S.