So, after telling it a longer time, github has disabled it https authentication mechanism.
From now on, you have to use ssh keys and a configuration. Following is a simple how to do it.
First of all, generate your ssh key
#my advice, name the key to your usage
#e.g.: com_github_<yourusername>
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Next up, you have to upload the pub key to github account.
After that, you have to adapt the ~/.ssh/config file.
User git
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/com_github_<yourusername>
This was the easy part. Now to the final step that took me ages. You have to go through all your repositories and check if you use ssh or http as the transport protocol to work with github.
Go to a repository and open up your .git/config file.
Replace any thing that starts with with It should only be in the lines starting with url =.
After that git remote -v should work fine. But yes, you have to do it for all repositories.
If you have to stick to use HTTPS operations (like working from behind a firewall where ssh port 22 is restricted), try to follow this guide to setup an access token per device.
e.g. Windows it is the clickpath control panel -> credential manager -> generic credentials
or for german windows users systemsteuerung -> benutzerverwaltung -> eigene anmeldeinformationen verwalten -> windows-anmeldeinformationen -> auswählen
"Saving disk space on your composer projects" was a headline for an older entry I made.
I used this project and figured out it has a lot of bugs because of its "outdateness". Thats why I spend some time to create a build script, build a new "compify.phar" and created a pull request to it. Sadly, no response or action has been done by carlos (also no response on any e-mail).
I did the pull request on 28.07.2015, meaning a lot of water is gone down the river since then.
After waiting and waiting, I gave up and simple added my created "compify.phar" in a project called php project maintenance. As given by the name, this project has to goal to easy up maintenance for php projects ;-).
The, currently, best script inside is update_all_repositories which simple tries to find all git repositories from your current working directory. Inside each directory, it is doing some git stuff and also - since today - using compify to clean up the vendor diskspace. If you want to automate that kind of process, feel free to use it and pull some requests if there is something that can be optimized.
Have you ever did a "du -sh" on your vendor folder and became shocked because of the size?
As example, if you require the zend framework 2 in your project, you have to download and store over 170 MB in your disk. Hopefully, you don't think this is the size of the framework.
And you are right, over 150 MB of the size is inside the ".git" folder. That is "nice to know" information if you are a zend framework 2 developer, but if you simple use it, you don't need it.
Thanks to carlos buenos vinos, all you need to do is to download a tool called compify. Once setted up on your machine, you only have to change into your project root and execute "compify crush vendor/".
You can automate that call by binding it with the "composer update" call, either via shell alias, shell script, ant target or phing target (or are you using maven for a php project?).