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php pdo library that adds array quoting as feature

I was searching for a php library that extends PDO in that way, that I don't have to rewrite the "quote each entry in an array on its own by calling "$pdo->quote($value)" again and a gain.
Thanks to the community, there is one small library taking care about this problem - Aura.Sql.
I'm tired today but I will give it a try tomorrow. It is looking very usefull.

New versions of the zend framework 2 console helper family available now

I happy to announce the release of 1.1.0 of bazzlines zend framework 2 console helper (debian backport) module for php as well as the release of 1.1.0 of bazzlines zend framework 2 console helpermodule for php.
Important changes are:

  • added AbstractConsoleControllerFactory

Updated Zend Framework 2 Modules because of the locator generator version 2.0.0 release

I announced already, version 2.0.0 of the "locator generator" is out.
Because of that, I am also happy to announce the release of 1.4.1 from the zend framework 2 "locator generator" module.
Furthermore, the debian 6/PHP 5.3 backport got the release of version 1.3.0.
And finally, and because of the fact that zend framework 2.5.* is dropping support for PHP 5.4, the new debian 7/PHP 5.4 got the release of version 1.7.0.
Major changes in all releases is the dependency update to the new locator generator version.

You want to have a quick look and tryout without any hassle? Try the zf demo environment available in three flavors, cutting edge, debian 7/PHP 5.4 backport and debian 6/PHP 5.3 backport.

php - zfcampus/zf-rest how to | tutorial

Assuming you are using the Zend Framework 2 and want to implement a REST endpoint in a quick and fully functional way.
ZF-Rest is, more or less, the official rest module for zf2. But, the documentation is not available - nor planned right now. Thats why I this blog entry will boost your knowledge and speed up the time until you have finished your first zf2 rest endpoint.

Installation and Setup

#add the following line to you composer.json
"zfcampus/zf-rest": "1.0.3"

You need to add the following entries in your to "config/autload/application.config".

        //your modules

Minimal Configuration (module.config.php)

array key "zf-rest"

//MyRestController is a virtual Controller 
'My\\Module\\Namespace\\MyRestController' => array(
    //mandatory - available are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
    'collection_http_methods'       => array(
    //mandatory - available are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
    'entity_http_methods'           => array(
    //virtual name - its the name the collection entries are getting in the HAL-repesentation
    'collection_name'               => 'items',
    'route_name'                    => 'my_rest_route_name',
    'route_identifier_name'         => 'id',
    //this is the only file you really need to code/implement
    'listener'                      => 'My\\Module\\Namespace\\MyListener'

array key "router/routes"

'my_rest_route_name' => array(
    'type' => 'Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment',
    'options' => array(
        'route' => '/my/rest/endpoint/[/:id]',
        'defaults' => array(
            //MyRestController is a virtual Controller
            //The name is needed to map the module configuration to the endpoint
            'controller' => 'My\\Module\\Namespace\\MyRestController'

Optional Configuration Values

Based on the source code from RestControllerFactory.php, following configuration keys are optional (mention as mandatory in the current

  • resource_identifiers
  • identifier
  • controller_class
  • entity_class
  • collection_class