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Fixing: >>cachyos error: archlinux-keyring signature from christian hesse is unknonw trust<<

I wanted to install cachyos from medium cachyos-kde-linux-240609.iso and on multiple systems and everytime the installer failed with the following error:

cachyos error: archlinux-keyring signature from christian hesse is unknonw trust

How where I able to fix it?

I've opened the terminal and ran the following commands:

sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys sudo pacman-key --populate sudo pacman -S archlinux-keyring

After that, the installation runs through without any issues.

How to use sshfs under windows to mount a filesystem via a BastionHost/JumpHost

Today, I had the "joy" to work on a linux machine and edit a lot of files. The problem is, I had to use a Windows 10 as host OS.
Furthermore, the remote machine was available only via a bastion host/jump host. So it took me some time to make this possible.

I was not able to make sshfs-win working. WinSCP is a fallback option but this would result in edit a file -> save a file -> upload a file. I wanted to avoid the step upload a file.

What comes after this line is a snapshot of my created howto. I hope it will save you some time. It took me a lot to figure it out.

Given is, that you need to mount a filesystem via sshfs.

Following up, I will provide a guide how to do this by using a Windows 10 machine.

Bonus task, we are using a jumphost.


1.) Ensure you are running wsl2

  • wsl1 does not have a working fuse
  • Open a powershell and run wsl --list --verbose
  • If the VERSION says something bigger 1, you are fine
  • Else
    • Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
    • Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName VirtualMachinePlatform
    • Download wsl_update_x64.msi from
    • Install the msi
    • wsl --set-version <string: Distro like Debian> 2
    • Wait
    • wsl --list --verbose should output something like 2 in column VERSION

2.) Ensure you've sshfs installed

  • Open the shell to your wsl linux
  • test -f /usr/bin/sshfs && echo "sshfs already installed" || sudo apt install sshfs -y

3.) Configure your ssh

  • Open the shell to your wsl linux
  • test -d ~/.ssh || mkdir ~/.ssh;
  • Add content like the following in your ~/.ssh/config file
  • sudo bash -c "echo '#enable option' >> /etc/fuse.conf"
  • sudo bash -c "echo 'user_allow_other' >> /etc/fuse.conf"

Example content of the ssh config file

  User username
  #optional but recommended
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_private_key

  User username
  #optional but recommended
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_private_key

4.) Mount and umount the filesystem

  • You can add the following lines to your alias
  • Assumed is, that the path ~/network/ exists
  • ssh
  • id -a
  • exit
  • Not down the number for uid and gid
    • Example:
    • For the output uid=1337(artodeto) gid=4711(bazzline) groups=...
    • uid is 1337
    • gid is 4711
  • mount: sshfs -o,allow_other,uid=<int: number>,gid=<int: number> ~/network/

Fix >>failed to setup inotify handler. Please increase inotify limits<< on truenas scale for syncthing

I am using Syncthing on my truenas scale and got the following error after adding more and more directories.

failed to setup inotify handler. Please increase inotify limits, see

The fix is simple, just login to your truenas scale and click to System Settings -> Advanced -> Sysctl -> Add.

Add Variable fs.inotify.max_user_watches with value 204800 and that's it. Happy syncthing!

Temporary fix lot of entries in nextclouds user "Devices & sessions"

Hello there,

when logged into my nextcloud server as user, I clicked to User Bubble -> Settings -> Security and found a long list of entries below Devices & sessions.

After searching the issue list, I found this issue ticket.

The issue is know but either it is a kind of special issue ore no one really cares about it.

There is currently no real solution but I want to offer a temporary one.

You can create a cronjob that executes the following sql statement once per week or day.

--- You have to replace <user_name> with your user name

  `uid` = <user> 

OPTIMIZE TABLE `oc_authtoken`;

From my point of view, it looks like Firefox is doing something strange. Maybe other browsers behave the same.

Best regards, artodeto