Zend Framework 2 - Lazy Factory - Kickstarter (for ZF 2.4)
No blabla, just how you do it with zend framework 2.4.
#add following line to your composer.json
"ocramius/proxy-manager": "1.0.*",
composer update
#add following lines to your module.config.php
'lazy_services' => [
'class_map' => [
\My\Class::class => \My\Class::class
'service_manager' => [
'delegators' => [
\My\Class::class => [
'factories' => [
\My\Class::class => \My\ClassFactory::class,
\Zend\ServiceManager\Proxy\LazyServiceFactory::class => \Zend\ServiceManager\Proxy\LazyServiceFactoryFactory::class
Thats it.
Useful links are a gist from a closed issue and somehow an official howto (maybe working with zend framework greater 2.4).