Posted by artodeto on Saturday, June 6. 2015
I announced already, version 2.0.0 of the "locator generator" is out.
Because of that, I am also happy to announce the release of 1.4.1 from the zend framework 2 "locator generator" module.
Furthermore, the debian 6/PHP 5.3 backport got the release of version 1.3.0 .
And finally, and because of the fact that zend framework 2.5.* is dropping support for PHP 5.4, the new debian 7/PHP 5.4 got the release of version 1.7.0 .
Major changes in all releases is the dependency update to the new locator generator version.
You want to have a quick look and tryout without any hassle? Try the zf demo environment available in three flavors, cutting edge , debian 7/PHP 5.4 backport and debian 6/PHP 5.3 backport .
Posted by artodeto on Wednesday, June 3. 2015
I happy to announce the release of 2.0.0 of bazzlines locator generator component for php. Important changes are:
Generator.php now throws "InvalidArgumentException" instead of "RuntimeException
Generator now tries to create the provided directory if it does not exists
fixed issue 2
fixed issue 4
fixed issue 5
implement usage of php_component_cli_arguments
implement usage of php_component_command
fixed broken entry of "bin" in composer.json
renamed "bin/generalte_locator" to "bin/net_bazzline_generate_locator"
renamed "bin/generateLocator.php" to "bin/generate_locator"
renamed "example/[..]/run.php" to "example/[...]/run"
fixed issue 3
updated dependencies
Posted by artodeto on Monday, February 9. 2015
I happy to announce the release of 1.3.3 of bazzlines zend framework 2 locator generator module for php. Important changes are:
updated dependencies
removed apigen dependency
fixed dependency issue
added factory for controller creation
updated to locator generator 1.4.0
added documentation @todo - add link
added migration
added link to debian 6 / zend framework 2.2 backport
prefixed console commands with "net_bazzline" to not pollute the available command environment
Posted by artodeto on Sunday, February 8. 2015
I happy to announce the release of 1.2.2 of bazzlines zend framework 2 locator generator module for php. Important changes are:
added factory for controller creation
added migration
update dependencies
removed dependency from apigen