Posted by artodeto on
By Johannes Ziemke
from docker
What is Docker
- version 1.0 released a few hours ago - api stable (a bit)
- written in go
- build, packs and ships applications as lightweight containers
- build once an run almost everywhere (since kernel 3.8.*)
- rewrite of docCloud PaaS code
- start always from clean slate
- spawn up complete test infrastructures in seconds
- run your code against multiple versions easily
- easy up setup of software environment
- distribute complex setups as self-contained containers
- build own infrastructure
- easy ups deployment per day
- scaling and mantaining of infrastructure (state convergence, manage everything)
- helps you to solve managing complexity
- similar problems
- modules, classes, plugins
- human communication: named concepts like car, cat or container
- shipping goods: intermodal containers
- solution: create an abstraction
- does not matter what is in the container nor where it runs
- clear separation of concerns (reduce communication between developers and ops)
- developer can take care about used libraries, packagemanager, ...
- op can take care about the system (alos resource planning and monitoring)
- running commandos on top of:
- immutable, shipable, layered images (defined by dockerfile, built by builder and pushed/pulled to registry)
- copy-on-write storage on top (provides writeable layer on top of read only images to persists changes done by running container)
- isolated environment
- using kernal features
- namespaces (isolation by scoping, available: pid, mnt, net, uts, jpc, user)
- cgroups (limit, accound and isolated general devices, cou, memory, ...)
- future (solaris zones ...)
- via RESTish API
- missing pieces
- docker can not address service discovery or dynamic scheduling
- projects to close the gap
- openstack
- coreOs
- mesos + marathon
- --privileged - can break out of container but control host
- images are read only and creating a container on each start
- docker commit - creates new image out of running container
- use boot2docker
By Tobias Schwab
from Dynport GmbH
- continous delivery
- canarien releases
- "never touch running system", create a new one when something has to change
- immutable releases (once created, never change it)
Why They used Docker
- privacy concerns, aws not an option
- hoster they could not pick
- unreliable hoster API
- flash based structure management
- limited capacity
- they are the biggest customer
- image based deployments -> use dockerfiles (do not add dockerfile generators on top)
- use syslog and rsyslog to log out of the container
- >>CMD ["/sbin/init"]<< to start debian based image
- caching
- configuration management
- store configuration in environment
- dependency injected with start of container (use same container for testing, stageing, testing ...)
- logfiles and data outside of the container
- do not
- full blown vm (best case, one service per container)
- ssh deamon inside containers
- syslog deamon inside containters (sometimes needed)
- user management (everything can run as root)
- chef/puppet makes caching useles
- rely on external services (github, gem page)
- build management tools
- bundler, pip, carton, composer, ...
- problem is, they are slow on "clean slate"
- ways to solve
- add mainifest (like composer.lock) before code and use cached build files
- pre-bundles base images
- multi host
- image distribution via docker registry
- weighted load balancing via HAProxy
- SSL termination via HAProxy (container exists by Johannes Ziemke)
- load balancing
- HAProxy
- pool configuration stored in redis/etcd
- configuration update
- created
- uploaded via ssh to host
- verify configuration
- replace configuration (old with new)
- reload configuration
- logging
- putting container id, revision of image (host, code, request) via rsyslog out of the container
- metrics
- openTSDB
- distributed, scalable time series database
- hbase
- tags/diminsions
- from syslog via udp
- rickshaw.js for graphs
- compare status cudes, counts and times between actions of two revisions
- benefits (reduces)
- external dependencies
- "did work on my machine"
- unused cpu cycles
- number of hosts
- feedback times (number of deploys per day)
- time to get new host online
- hosts are more flexible
- controlled revision change (controlled on each host)
- faster build
Posted by artodeto on
link to meetup event.
Stresemannstraße 375
AwareInterface By Stev Leibelt
- reminder of dependency injection
- increases the readability of a class structure
- defined way of inject object/typ
- interface injection could lead to a project based rule to distinguish between mandatory and optional dependencies
- slides available hear.
Logstash and Graylog2 by Alexander Bernhardt
Simple log all.
questions to the log
- what happens on the other server?
- what happens when and on what circumstance?
- what are you logging?
how to solve this?
By using Logstash, Redis and ElasicSearch, aggregate all and push all to a graylog2.
- graylog can do some kind of monitoring, known as streams.
- you can add a alert method to each stream.
- nagios can listen to a graylog stream.
- could not replace statsd or graphite
Talk And Call For PHPUGHH Website By Stephan Vock And Ole Michaelis
- two Pages for one user group, which one to choose?
- the usergroup decides to use the new page.
- you need to have installed jekyll, rake or use the vagrant box
- directory structure
- each speaker should pull his own talk below "talks"
How To Contribute
- fork repository
- git checkout -b feature/foo
- do the changes
- git commit
- pull request to the main repository
- builds new page on its own
- git remote add upstream
- git fetch upstream
- git merge upstream/master
- git push
- issues are available
- enhancement issues is the roadmap
- open issues if needed
- links available as ticket
- take a look to the bephpug (github)
Posted by artodeto on
Jarrestraße 42A
Next Level DevOps By Ole Michaelis
Preliminary Consideration
- infrastructure is created by feature (but without clean up or cleaning things up)
- did a practical training round in admin team for half a year
What Is DevOps?
- you build it, you run it (until it goes offline)
- monitor it, automate it, measure/metering it
- build small tools and services to form an api
How Became A DevOp?
- extend your development skills
- learn and do refactoring
- learn the shell
- learn the operation system
- pull deployment with deployment hooks
Softwarearchitecture Of A Modern Onlinegame By Tobias Rojahn
Preliminary Consideration/Requirements
- crossplattform (mobile and web)
- realtime game (fast information about status changes)
- multiplayer (user can influence each other)
- user (request websocket from web server)
- NodeJS (handles websocket connection to redis and global redis)
- redis (message queue with push and pull)
- php worker (long living php process, asks webservices or database, are forkable by using php forking mechanism)
- if something is calculated by the php worker, the message is pushed in the global redis
The PHP Worker
- long living workers
- worker is observing the queue (and event handling) and is pushing the message to the dispatcher
- each message has a type to push to the right controller
- dispatcher is using the right controller (with a bunch of internal to external mapping and nearly zero logic)
- controller is pushing the message to the right domain service (using the right domain objects and/or repositories)
- controller is working with multiple db views
- domain service can also call the event dispatcher to trigger other systems (not core systems)
- only creates messages
- just time controlled game events
- socket (via socket io) replaces session
- add additional data (with indexes to gain speed) to the socket (via message queues from php)
- node to php: send all data
- php to node: a combination of data to all connected sockets
- forwarding of fitting messages (with removing of internal datas)
- API-Tests
- description
- ingoing message (test data)
- outgoing message (expectations)
- based on fitrues
- only php layer
- rollback on each test