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php - zfcampus/zf-rest how to | tutorial

Assuming you are using the Zend Framework 2 and want to implement a REST endpoint in a quick and fully functional way.
ZF-Rest is, more or less, the official rest module for zf2. But, the documentation is not available - nor planned right now. Thats why I this blog entry will boost your knowledge and speed up the time until you have finished your first zf2 rest endpoint.

Installation and Setup

#add the following line to you composer.json
"zfcampus/zf-rest": "1.0.3"

You need to add the following entries in your to "config/autload/application.config".

        //your modules

Minimal Configuration (module.config.php)

array key "zf-rest"

//MyRestController is a virtual Controller 
'My\\Module\\Namespace\\MyRestController' => array(
    //mandatory - available are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
    'collection_http_methods'       => array(
    //mandatory - available are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
    'entity_http_methods'           => array(
    //virtual name - its the name the collection entries are getting in the HAL-repesentation
    'collection_name'               => 'items',
    'route_name'                    => 'my_rest_route_name',
    'route_identifier_name'         => 'id',
    //this is the only file you really need to code/implement
    'listener'                      => 'My\\Module\\Namespace\\MyListener'

array key "router/routes"

'my_rest_route_name' => array(
    'type' => 'Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment',
    'options' => array(
        'route' => '/my/rest/endpoint/[/:id]',
        'defaults' => array(
            //MyRestController is a virtual Controller
            //The name is needed to map the module configuration to the endpoint
            'controller' => 'My\\Module\\Namespace\\MyRestController'

Optional Configuration Values

Based on the source code from RestControllerFactory.php, following configuration keys are optional (mention as mandatory in the current

  • resource_identifiers
  • identifier
  • controller_class
  • entity_class
  • collection_class

Easy Up Migration From Existing Log4Php Applications To Psr Logger Applications

It is a bit mean to put such a headline on top, but thats the current status we have to deal with at our company. I also don't want to bash somebody, Log4Php is doing its job in a great way. But since i developed a proxy logger component, i want to use it. The proxy logger component can work with psr logger interface, so i need to create a adapter to get it used ;-).

The psr and log4php adapter is a easy component and provides only two classes.

  • Log4Php to Psr Logger Bridge
  • Psr Logger to Log4PhP Bridge
  • Log4Php Logger Interface

The usage is simple, depending on the way you either choose the adapter "Log4PhpToPsrLoggerAdapter" or "PsrToLog4PhpAdapter". The only drawback, you are loosing the "trace" log level of log4php and all the fancy stuff of a log4php logger. This component is simple and has just a few lines of code (you are welcome to join), so the main focus is to support the log level methods like "$logger->warn()" and not more.