Apigility and Pair Programming - PHPUGHH
- InnoGames
- Friesenstraße 13
- Hamburg
Apigility by Ralf Eggert
Whats the problem?
- new api in two hours
- do rapid prototyping
In a nutshell
- create a RESTful web services quick
- create a rpc web service
- supports versioning per url or negotiation (content type)
- returns JSON and HAL JSON out of the box
- authentication (database, code based, other)
- api documentation
- data validation (zend filtering)
- supports deployment
- modular based
- databased rest service
- see slides for steps
- good for easy stuff or complex stuff
- good for rapid prototyping of see how the modules are working
To pair or not to pair by Sebastian Schürmann
About Sebastian
- freelancer developer, coach, trainer
- first contact to xp in 2005
- scrum since 2008
- loves open source
- blog
- reduce bus factor
- improve teamwork
- improve learning
Pair Programming
- pair programming illuminated (book)
- specification by examples (book)
- workshop
- two programmers doing the work of one
- working alone, undistrubed is good
- talking is disturbance which is bad
- two persons (comes from rally driver)
- driver (with the keyboard, focused to the current problem)
- navigator (looking more at the whole concept)
- switching roles regulary
- less bugs
- faster in development (problem solving)
- continous knowledge exchange
- tightest feedback loop you can get in programming (even unit tests take longer)
- P (plan), D (do), C (check), A (act) - loop
- communication
- simplicity (doing simple things, because two people have to understand)
- feedback
- respect
- courage
- bring back fun into work
- feedback
- embracing change (also the guy which code is change would became less grumpy)
- assuming simplicity
- seven synergies
- pair pressure (chance they get interrupted is become lower)
- pair negotiation
- pair courage
- pair review
- pair debugging
- pair learning
- pair t(h)rust
Seven Habits of Effective Pair Programmers
- take breaks (five minute breaks after 30 minutes)
- take a look at "pomodoros" (5 up to 7 pomodoros is a full day work)
- practice humility
- be confident
- communicate
- listen
- be a teamplayer
- compromise vs standing firm
- introverts vs extraverts / introversion vs extraversion
- skill
- shu-beginner (repeat presented action)
- ha-intermediate (start break the rules/make innovations)
- ri-expert (do not care about the rules)
- do "shu" and "shu" - easy up starting into things
- do "shu" and "ha" - create another master
- do "shu" and "ri" - kickstart the shu
- do "ha" and "ha" - biggest bang for the buck
- do "ha" and "ri" - create another expert
- do "ri" and "ri" - solve big problems
Type of Pairs
- everybody pairs with everybody once in a time - good for knowledge sharing
- pair hinging - do a user story together
- test first pairing - implement, make the test red, switch and replay
- stakeholder pairing - explain the stakeholder your code or the flow
- newbie pairing - pair a newbie to a experienced one and finish a user story
- pair bugfixing
- pair release
- write userstories/requirements as pairs
- coding dojos - navigator and driver, audience can give feedback
To The Critics
- knowledge iceberg (small explicit, tacit is the big part)
- bug fixing cost (small: requirements, design, code, test, productiom :big)
- flow state is established easily
- groupflow
- teamwork