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pentadactyl is working on firefox 22 with current nightly build

Gosh, that had been two unproductive days in the matter of working with my browser. I just updated to firefox 22 and pentadactly was not working anymore. So i had to work two days without a usefull userinterface. I'm happy the current nightly build (Pentadactyl Nightly 2013-06-29) has raised the supported version to 24. So you can update your firefox and just install the newest version of pentadactyl :-).

And please donate to that lovely piece of software, i can tell you the last two days weren't the same.

pentadactyl important keybinds

Nothing special and also a compressed version of the great build in pentadactyl help page. But again, it's also for myself.

ctrl+dhalf page down
ctrl+uhalf page up
0absolute left of document
$absolute right of document
gggo to top
Ggo to end
30%go to 30%
Hhistory back
Lhistory forward
gtnext tab
gTprevious tab
ddelete tab
ffollow links in current tab
Ffollow link in new tab
rreload page
Rreload page without cache
yyank current location to clipboard
zizoom in
zozoom out
zzreset zoom
mkpsave current settings
ZZquit after saving session
ZQquit without saving session
-Firefox interface
:emenuopen firefox menu
:bmakrsopen bookmarks
:dialogopen dialog like "add bookmark"
:addonsopen add ons
:oopen in current tab
:topen in new tab
:sopen search prompt
:Sopen search prompt in new tab
:tabudoublicate current tab
:wlike tab open but all arguments in separat tab
:ststop loading current page
:framodisplay frame only
/start search forward
?start search backward
nfind next
Nfind previous
*search forward
#search backward
nnormal browser mode
vvisual mode when selecting text with cursor keys
iinsert mode when interacting with text field
ttext editing mode
ccommand line mod
ooperator mode