openntpd fatal: bad privsep dir /var/lib/ntp permissions: (on arch linux)
I was wondering why my system clock was "so damn wrong". A quick check with systemctl status openntpd.service
showed me "Active: inactive (dead) since ...". An other "journalctl -xfn" on the command line and "fatal: bad privsep dir /var/lib/ntp permissions: 40755" was marked red.
Searching on the web was, well, some kind of helpful. An old (asian?) entry was the highest in the ranking. After that, I searched on the official repository on and found this patch (full patch view).
After that, it was an easy one to get openntpd back on track.
chown -R root /var/lib/ntp
and to be on the save side chmod -R 700 /var/lib/ntp
followed by systemctl restart openntpd.service
and my clock was back on track :-).