I had some trouble using my usb printer.
Starting cups with "systemctl start cups" was working as expected. The page "http://localhost:631/" was presenting usefull informations (also listing the printer) but when I added a job "Waiting for printer to become available." was displayed for minutes over minutes.
A search on the web directed me to a thread with the solution inside. Following are the needed steps:
#list connected usb devices to fetch vendor id and product it
#create rules for udev
vim /etc/udev/rules.d/10-usbprinter.rules
#add following entry, replace vendor id and product id if needed
ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTR{idProduct}=="3321", MODE:="0660", GROUP:="lp"
#reload udev
udevadm control --reload-rules
#replugin the printer
So, i bought a usb stick for damn low price. I assumed it won't have the size but anyway, the price was low, i had some money in the pocket so i tried this delicious fruit of joy and fun.
As expected, the size doesn't fit and i can not format the stick without any errors. So i searched for a tool to test this sort of devices. After a while i found f3.
Whats the real size of my memory stick you going to ask? Well, i will keep this as a secret and won't try something like this again ;-).
Wenn man einen vi/vim Editor nutzt, muss man die Taste "i" betätigen um einen Text eingeben zu können. Diese wiederkehrende Aufgabe hat ein findiger Nutzer diese Aufgabe zu seinem Fuß delegiert. Er suchte nach einem extrem günstigen USB-Fußpedal und fand eins. Die Wunschvorstellung war "sende ein i beim darauf treten" und "sende ein ESC beim fuß entfernen" und diese Aufgabe konnte er auch umsetzen.
Aktuell sucht der Bauherr nach einem verbesserte Model um "Hinzufügen am Anfang und am Ende der Zeile" ebenfalls delegieren zu können.
Since the capacity of usb sticks are raising and raising, it would be a perfect deal to have "one usb stick for all live operation systems".
For that reason, the boys and girls from sardu have created a beautiful windows tool for you. It is so simple and quite powerful that you just need to download, use and donate to it!