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How to set a proxy for Signal-Desktop on Windows

If you want to use signal behind a cooperate proxy, you have to write a little bat script to set some proxy variables in the environment before starting signal. Copy and paste the following code into a file like set_proxy_and_start_signal.bat.

:: ####
:: # Sets http and https proxy variables and starts signal.
:: ####
:: # @see:
:: # @since: 2020-02-14
:: # @author: stev leibelt <>
:: ####

set HTTP_PROXY=<your proxy>
start %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\signal-desktop\Signal.exe

If you want to know more here is the thread for this issue.

Migration from Windows Outlook 2007 to Linux Thunderbird

It is doable!

All you need to do is to read this and this migration guides from mozilla.

Or, you just do my step-by-step list.

  • Download Thunderbird version 31.8
  • Download Mail PassView
  • Run mailpass view and note down all important informations
  • Install Thunderbird
  • Open thunderbird and import things (tools->import) - important import each single stuff (mails, contacts)
  • Add your mail accounts
  • Upgrade thunderbird
  • Copy the thunderbird profile (c:\Users\\AppData ...) to your linux pc
  • Edit and update ~.mozilla-thunderbird|thunderbird/profiles.ini

How to upgrade nextcloud from gui to next major version

So, nextcloud version 15.0.x is out already and whenever you are logging into your next cloud with your administrator account, you still get this "you are on the latest version" message.

Further more, you just got a update to version 14.0.x while waiting for version 15.0.x.

To fix this, all you have to do is to switch from the channel "stable" to "beta". After a page reload, you should see a version 15.0.x available. Do the upgrade and do not forget to switch back to the stable channel.

It just happens on my Rasperry pi: signature from "Arch Linux ARM Build System <>" is unknown trust

I've started a regular update by using sudo pacman -Syyu and the following lines where the final result.

warning: Public keyring not found; have you run 'pacman-key --init'?
downloading required keys...
error: key "77193F152BDBE6A6" could not be looked up remotely
error: required key missing from keyring
error: failed to commit transaction (unexpected error)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

I did what was told me to do ;-).

sudo pacman-key --init

And after running sudo pacman -Syyu I was asked.

:: Import PGP key 4096R/68B3537F39A313B3E574D06777193F152BDBE6A6, "Arch Linux ARM Build System <>", created: 2014-01-18? [Y/n]

"As expected, I though" but than I got a long list of the error mention in the headline (for each package).

I've fixed this by executing the following command.

pacman-key --lsign-key 77193F152BDBE6A6

After that, sudo pacman -Syyu was running fine as expected. Strange note, all was working fine a week ago (2018-05-25) and the pgp key was created 2014 :O.