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resize images via shell

The Problem: You have a bunch of images (like files in an directory ;-)) you want to resize.

The Solution (an easy one):

#!/bin/sh mkdir 800px for f in *.jpg do convert $f -verbose -resize 800 -quality 90% -comment "powered by open source" 800px/$f done

As far as you see, this shell script creates a directory called "800px" and walks to every file with the ending "jpg". The script resize every file to a with of 800 pixels and saves it into "800px". Just change in the directoy with the images you want to resize and type in "sh path/to/my/convert/". If the command "convert" is not on your system, try to install "imagemagick".

SmartOS - The Complete Modern Operating System?

SmartOS incorporates the four most revolutionary OS technologies of the past decade — Zones, ZFS, DTrace and KVM — into a single operating system, providing an arbitrarily observable, highly multi-tenant environment built on a reliable, enterprise-grade storage stack. With the introduction of KVM in SmartOS, you no longer have to give up the power of an enterprise-grade operating system in order to run legacy applications and stacks. SmartOS turns any server into a highly efficient hosting platform for multi-tenant, machine-to-machine, or storage applications. SmartOS offers unique, innovative tools for application developers, service providers and data center operators – tuned and hardened for modern datacenter deployment.

Sound exciting, i will give him a try (in the wintermonths of course :-) ).

I also found an entry on

Ein Entwicklerteam des Cloud-Providers Joyent hat den Hypervisor des Linux-Kernels auf den freien OpenSolaris-Kernel des Illumos-Projekts portiert. Wie die Entwickler schreiben, soll KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machines) die OpenSolaris-Variante SmartOS um hardwaregestützte Virtualisierung erweitern – als Ergänzung zu der Virtualisierungstechnik Zones des Solaris-Kernels, mit der mehrere Benutzerzumgebungen gegeneinander abgeschottet unter einem Kernel laufen.
SmartOS bringt KVM in den Solaris-Kernel

Building a cms with zend framework

Just by searching for a new technical book i stumbled over Pro Zend Framework Techniques: Build a Full CMS Project.

Well, the price in my local bookdealer was very cheap so i gave him a try. After finishing reading, i must admit that the book touches nearly all sticking points i was falling by learning using the zend framework. The book also shows me more ;-). I like the way the book is written. You begin with easy tasks and refactor the code if needed.

So what you get for your money? 230 Pages full of information. The number of pages guarantees that there is no place for boring stuff. This book presents you straight forward informations about:

  • application.ini
  • Template and Layout
  • Form, Form_Element
  • Working with Zend_Db_Table
  • Zend_Navigation
  • Zend_Auth
  • Zend_Acl
  • Zend_Search
  • Setup Modules
  • The use of DB_Profile
  • Zend_Cache
  • Zend_Translate

If the price fits to your pocket, give him a try :-).