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version 1.0.0 of php locator generator component released

I happy to announce the release of 1.0.0 of bazzlines locator generator component for php.

What is it good for?

  • adds back implicit api calls to your locator ("getMyObject()" instead of "get('MyObject')")
  • configuration based driven, update your configuration and generate a new locator
  • generated code is easy to debug
  • generated code is easy to understand (no magic inside)
  • generate a locator out of your propel1 schema.xml

How ca I use it?

php bin/generateLocator.php example/ArrayConfiguration/configuration.php
ls data/
vim data/FromArrayConfigurationFileLocator.php

How can I install it?

with packagist

composer require net_bazzline/php_component_locator_generator:dev-master


mkdir -p vendor/net_bazzline/php_component_locator_generator
cd vendor/net_bazzline/php_component_locator_generator
git clone

version 1.0.1 of php time limit manager component released

I happy to announce the release of 1.0.1 of bazzlines time limit manager component for php. Important changes are:

  • add getRuntimeIn[Seconds|Minutes|Hours]
  • extended unit tests by covering setting of the buffer
  • added getter for minutes and hours
  • updated dependencies