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nextcloud upgrade 13 - how to upgrade from nextcloud 12 to 13

I am doing all via the command line. I've a separate data directory (not included below public/data).

Here are my simple steps (database backup not included). I did the upgrade from the latest 12 release. This is a KISS tutorial.

cd <root path>
wget ""
mv public public_12_0_5
mv nextcloud public
cp public_12_0_5/config/config.php public/config/config.php
rsync -rv --dry-run public_12_0_5/apps public/apps
#if needed
#rsync -rv public_12_0_5/apps public/apps

Good luck on your side.

Currently, I've found one issue with my news application.

I needed to execute following SQL statement:

UPDATE oc_jobs SET reserved_at = 0 WHERE (argument = '["OCA\\News\\Cron\\Updater","run"]' OR class = 'OCA\\News\\Cron\\Updater');

Thanks to the how to fix it section.

Die KW 05/2018 im Link-Rückblick