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Die KW 25/2022 im Link-Rückblick

How to connect to eduroam with nmtui

I am using NetworkManager to work with any kind of network connection.

I found my freedom with the nmtui and it was working fine until today. Today, I needed to connect to an eduroam WiFi. Long story short this is currently not possible that easy with nmtui or nmcli.

Since I try to keep the system footprint small, I have not installed any gui for the NetworkManager.

Thanks to GallaFrancesco, I found a way to connect to my eduroam realm.

Execute the following command in your shell.

nmcli connection add \
    type wifi con-name "eduroam" ifname $(ifconfig | grep -i w | cut -d":" -f 1) ssid "eduroam" -- \
    wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-eap 802-1x.eap peap \ 
    802-1x.phase2-auth mschapv2 802-1x.identity "<username>@<realm>"

After that, restart your networkmanager service with systemctl restart NetworkManager.service to ensure the eduroam connection was found.

Finally, open nmtui and activate the eduroam connection. Now, you have to provide your password.

I've created a small howto here.

Temporary fix lot of entries in nextclouds user "Devices & sessions"

Hello there,

when logged into my nextcloud server as user, I clicked to User Bubble -> Settings -> Security and found a long list of entries below Devices & sessions.

After searching the issue list, I found this issue ticket.

The issue is know but either it is a kind of special issue ore no one really cares about it.

There is currently no real solution but I want to offer a temporary one.

You can create a cronjob that executes the following sql statement once per week or day.

--- You have to replace <user_name> with your user name

  `uid` = <user> 

OPTIMIZE TABLE `oc_authtoken`;

From my point of view, it looks like Firefox is doing something strange. Maybe other browsers behave the same.

Best regards, artodeto

Die KW 24/2022 im Link-Rückblick