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Error: "core.db not found" - Reason: archlinuxarm had stopped support for rasperry pi model 1

I totally missed that this was happening. While I had a big to do list in the real life, the archlinuxarm-team decided to drop the support for armv6 models like the Raspberry Pi Model 1.

I just started a pi a few days ago and while I wanted to run a pacman -Syyu, I just got strange error messages like core.db not found.

The error is something like error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from : Resolving timed out after 10000 milliseconds.
If you run pacman -Syyu --debug, you get an output like mentioned in this thread.

The reason for all of this is mentioned in this thread. On the sixth of Januar 2022, cablespaghetti wrote This is in response to the announcement that ARMv6 support is being dropped next month.

There is an archive mirror available but this tends to have outdated packages from day one.

What can you do from now?

I didn't made my mind up yet. Personally, the one device that is most important will be used as scan- and printserver until I will have some time to migrate to something else.