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HoloISO ERROR: '/dev/disk/by-label/HOLO_202207' device did not show up after 30 seconds

I ran into this issue with the following setup.

  • Latest holoiso downloaded
  • USB-Stick, prepared with ventoy
  • Copied the iso to my ventoy data partition

I've booted into the ventoy boot menu, had selected the holoiso and got this error message.

ERROR: '/dev/disk/by-label/HOLO_202207' device did not show up after 30 seconds   

I didn't found anything in the official error list so I've removed the holo part and found this and ŧhis thread.

Long story short, I've entered the following commands.

mkdir /mnt_ventoy_data   
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt_ventoy_data   
mkdir /mnt_iso   
mount /mnt_ventoy_data/HoloIso_[...].iso /mnt_iso   
ln -sf /mnt_iso /dev/archiso   

That's it. So what have I done in detail? With the knowledge that I was dropped into a ramfs and that the arch bootup script is expecting a /dev/archiso, all I need to do is to mount the right iso file. To get this iso file, I first needed to mount the ventoy data partition. Once mounted, all I need to do is to mount the iso and softlink this mount to /dev/archiso.

Best regards, artodeto


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