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web - has announced a specification for PHP

The wait is over! We’ve just pushed v1 of the PHP language spec to the repo. The first thing you’ll notice is that it’s in Markdown. Yeah, I know there was a slight lean towards ReStructuredText in my little informal poll, but the guy working on massaging the spec out of MSWord format (JoelM) had enough to deal with that I didn’t want to sideline him too far with bike shedding over document format. I suspect one of the first decisions we’ll make as a group is to pandoc it into something else, and that’s fine. The important thing is to have this starting point.
There are some known issues, which Joel is going to categorize onto including the fact that PHP currently fails one of the conformance tests because ($a)[0] is a parse error. Speaking of conformance tests, they need some love too. They’re monolithic and scattered with commented out lines of code. Some nice low-hanging fruit for anyone wanting to get involved would be to split them up a bit and clean them to match PHP Coding Conventions.

A final reminder, this is an initial draft, and not a completed documented. As my employer says, "This journey is 1% finished."
Let’s make it awesome.



And here is the link to the php specification draft.

web - wxPHP: wxWidgets Come To PHP

The wxWidgets library for designing cross-platform GUIs now has support by the PHP programming language.

wxPHP is a wrapper implementation of the wxWidgets for PHP to provide a cross-platform GUI library. In the past there was the PHP-GTK project to provide GTK2 support for PHP, but that project has basically stalled while now there's this vibrant wxPHP project for those wanting to create desktop user-interfaces with PHP.


I am excited. Let's see if i am able to build something in php and convert this, part by part, into elegant c++ code.

Memory Limit Manager for PHP

I'm happy to announce the release of version 1.0.1 from the componen Memory Limit Manager for PHP.

What is it good for?

  • provides easy setting of memory limit
  • gives you the advantage to add a buffer before reaching the limit to easy up reacting when limit is reached
  • helps you to set the limit in bytes, kilo bytes, mega bytes or giga bytes (same for the buffer)
  • comes with DependentInterface and AwareInterface

How can i use it?

$manager = new Net\Bazzline\Component\MemoryLimitManager\MemoryLimitManager();

while (!empty($dataSet)) {
    if ($manager->isLimitReached()) {
        //exit while loop, shutdown process
    } else {
        $data = array_shift($dataSet);
        //work on data set

How can i install it?


mkdir -p vendor/net_bazzline/php_component_memory_limit_manager
cd vendor/net_bazzline/php_component_memory_limit_manager
git clone

With packagist

composer require net_bazzline/php_component_memory_limit_manager:dev-master

Time Limit Manager for PHP

I'm happy to announce the release of version 1.0.0 from the componen Time Limit Manager for PHP.

What is it good for?

  • provides easy setting of runtime limit
  • gives you the advantage to add a buffer before reaching the limit to easy up reacting when limit is reached
  • helps you to set the limit in seconds, minutes or hours (same for the buffer)
  • comes with DependentInterface and AwareInterface

How can i use it?

$manager = new Net\Bazzline\Component\TimeLimitManager\TimeLimitManager();

while (!empty($dataSet)) {
    if ($manager->isLimitReached()) {
        //exit while loop, shutdown process
    } else {
        $data = array_shift($dataSet);
        //work on data set

How can i install it?


mkdir -p vendor/net_bazzline/php_component_time_limit_manager
cd vendor/net_bazzline/php_component_time_limit_manager
git clone

With packagist

composer require net_bazzline/php_component_time_limit_manager:dev-master