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web - wxPHP: wxWidgets Come To PHP

The wxWidgets library for designing cross-platform GUIs now has support by the PHP programming language.

wxPHP is a wrapper implementation of the wxWidgets for PHP to provide a cross-platform GUI library. In the past there was the PHP-GTK project to provide GTK2 support for PHP, but that project has basically stalled while now there's this vibrant wxPHP project for those wanting to create desktop user-interfaces with PHP.


I am excited. Let's see if i am able to build something in php and convert this, part by part, into elegant c++ code.

howto - some basic ion / notion keybinds

After few years with fluxbox it was time to search for something else. Inspired by a friend of mine i searched for tiling window manager.

The ion has some legal problems, i tried out a fork called notion. After a reading the man page and using the windowmanager for a view hours, it is impressive how great it works out of the box. There is also another fork called anion3, just to mention it. There is a already builded package for debian/amd64 behind this link.

Thats why i started writing my howto and want to present it to you but also to me ;-). The "mod1" key should be "alt"-left but you can figure it out by calling "xmodmap" on your console.

mod1+f3execute lua code
f5file to edit
f6file to view
f9create new workspace
mod1+,cycle workspace backward
mod1+.cycle workspace forward
mod1+cclose current object
mod1+tabforward focus
mod1+k+tabbackward focus
mod1+k hmaximize frame horizontal
mod1+k vmaximize frame vertical
mod1+rbegin move/reszie mod
left -> grow in direction
shift left -> shrink in direction
mod1+gquery client window to go
mod1+mdisplay context menu
mod1+k dde-/reattach an object from frame
mod1+k 1switch to first object in current frame
mod1+k btile frame
mod1+k xdestroy frame
mod1+ssplit frame vertically
mod1+k ssplit frame horizontally
mod1+k cclears client owning window
mod1+returntoggle client windows to full screen mode

Refering to the Notion Keybinds i have created a printout. Have fun with it. Current builds can be found at An tutorial is available on the official wiki-page.

pentadactyl important keybinds

Nothing special and also a compressed version of the great build in pentadactyl help page. But again, it's also for myself.

ctrl+dhalf page down
ctrl+uhalf page up
0absolute left of document
$absolute right of document
gggo to top
Ggo to end
30%go to 30%
Hhistory back
Lhistory forward
gtnext tab
gTprevious tab
ddelete tab
ffollow links in current tab
Ffollow link in new tab
rreload page
Rreload page without cache
yyank current location to clipboard
zizoom in
zozoom out
zzreset zoom
mkpsave current settings
ZZquit after saving session
ZQquit without saving session
-Firefox interface
:emenuopen firefox menu
:bmakrsopen bookmarks
:dialogopen dialog like "add bookmark"
:addonsopen add ons
:oopen in current tab
:topen in new tab
:sopen search prompt
:Sopen search prompt in new tab
:tabudoublicate current tab
:wlike tab open but all arguments in separat tab
:ststop loading current page
:framodisplay frame only
/start search forward
?start search backward
nfind next
Nfind previous
*search forward
#search backward
nnormal browser mode
vvisual mode when selecting text with cursor keys
iinsert mode when interacting with text field
ttext editing mode
ccommand line mod
ooperator mode

Web - Create bootable usb stick with multiple linux iso files

Ok, as everybody i am running out of time but i want to play around some linux distributions. For playing around you either need some virtual pc's or a real one and some blank cd's/dvd's.

Inasmuch as i want to install it on a subnotebook, i decided to use a real pc. The only question is, should it be a debian (or a child of debian) or arch linux? I couldn't decide so i need to install/start and try them out. But for trying you need blank cd's/dvd's or a usb stick. I guess my household hasn't seen a blank cd or dvd for quite a while, means the selection met the usb stick.

The general process was to us a tool like unetbootin, by using "dd" of find howtos like the one at nixCraft. By the way, this howto is pretty cool since even linux starters are learning a bit the power of linux tools :-). But all methods are ending up with the effect "on os per usb stick". When you want to try out multiple OS, this i definitely not a satisfying method ;-).

Thats why i searched in the www and found a lot of solutions. Because of the numbers, i decided to write an entry :-).

First i found something at the german arch linux board. Even the link at the end is even better. By the way if you have some loopback problems, try to take a look at link. Also the howto from is worth to have a look.

But i must admit, i want to have it nice and gui driven like the windows tool sardu i mention here. After i while, i was near by to do it the arch way but the god of laziness had mercy on my soul and presented me the link to multisystem. It is very easy to use, fast and works like a charm :-D.

By the way, since my plan was to have fun with the subnotebook, the choice felt on arch. Just for fun you know (and the community it is worth.

By searching for a funny distro to try, i stumbled over the good old slax i never booted - maybe in the future :-D.