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Kirigami official released

Das KDE-Framework Kirigami steht in einer ersten Veröffentlichung bereit, um Qt-Entwickler bei der Erstellung konvergenter Apps für Desktop und Mobilgeräte plattformübergreifend zu unterstützen.

Kirigami currently officially supports Android, Desktop GNU/Linux (both X11 and Wayland), Windows, and the upcoming Plasma Mobile. iOS support is currently in an experimental stage, support for Ubuntu Touch is being worked on. The plan is to eventually become part of KDE Frameworks 5, but is currently released standalone in KDE Extragear. Since it is aimed to be a Tier 1 framework, it has no other dependencies apart from Qt, and therefore will not increase your application’s size any more than necessary. [...]

kirigami design principles, ui patterns and styleguide
kirigami api documentation