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Nextcloud polls is broken / no poll is loaded / nextcloud.log screams >>unknown config key<<

I am not an heavy user of the nextcloud polls application, so this issue could be an oldie but goldie.

I am working on a nextcloud version and I wanted to create a poll.

First discovery, all polls are gone and I was not able to configure anything Preference section. A tail on the nextcloud.log told me that apps/polls/lib/Controller/PollController.php is producing a unknown config key log entry.

Long story short, this link from the closed issue/3806 pointed me to the right direct.
Logged in as admin, I've opened the settings/admin/polls and disabled and enabled the Enable the poll creation globally option. After that and a page reload as a user, almost all is working fine. There is only one open issue with the "copy link to clipboard" option :-.


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