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bash - enhanced compress and decompress

Again two functions you can add alias for. The first function provides a wrapper for the task to create tar.gz file. If you provide only one argument (like a filename or a directory), the function creates a $name.tar.gz file from the first argument. If you provide more the one argument, the function uses the first argument as name of the *.tar.gz file and all others as files/directories to compress.

# compress given directories into tar.gz
# @author stev leibelt
# @since 2013-02-02
function net_bazzline_compress ()
  if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
    echo 'No valid arguments supplied.'

    exit 1


  if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then

  tar -zcf "$FILENAME_TAR" "$@"
The second function provides a wrapper to get the files of a *.tar.gz file. If you provide one argument, the functions is using this as the *.tar.gz filename. If you provide two arguments, the second argument is used as output directory.
# compress given directories into tar.gz
# @author stev leibelt
# @since 2013-02-02
function net_bazzline_decompress ()
  if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
    echo 'No valid arguments supplied.'
    echo 'Try net_bazzline_decompress $nameOfCompressedFile [$pathToDecompress]'

    exit 1

  if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
    tar -zxf "$1"
    tar -zxf "$1" -C "$2"
As general, they are also in my shell function file available on


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