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usergroup - meetup - phpug - hamburg - 130409

betahaus hamburg Ruben Explains what betahaus is about - betahaus can be your office if you have none or if you want to have a second one - betahaus could be used for freelancer as well as for persons in the it area - it is more then a mackerspace

Ole Michaelis What is wrong with php - by github charts, php is the sixth most used language (why not number one? :D) - global players like "the fruit company", flickr, yahoo or "the other big blue" are using php - search for "php sample codes" and investigate the first results, can you see whats wrong (why they are the "best fitting" results :-()? can we fix it? - yes we can! - join the community - fix core bugs - create usefull tools or use them (like behat, mink, composer, phpspec, symfony, phpphp or php the right way) - tell "them" that php is not php3 anymore

Judith Andresen money value of test driven (php) development why we should test - no manager can motivate with money only - you can only motivate by surrounding additional informations - use atam to transform developer language into non technical (product owner) language - use risc management (bot team but company based to remove interface problems) - try tu use timeboxing to reduce switch times books - Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink - Softwarequalität in PHP-Projekten by Sebastian Bergmann and Stefan Priebsch


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