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Next Level DevOps And Softwarearchitecture Of A Modern Onlinegame - PHPUserGroup Meetup

Jarrestraße 42A

Next Level DevOps By Ole Michaelis

Preliminary Consideration

  • infrastructure is created by feature (but without clean up or cleaning things up)
  • did a practical training round in admin team for half a year

What Is DevOps?

  • you build it, you run it (until it goes offline)
  • monitor it, automate it, measure/metering it
  • build small tools and services to form an api

How Became A DevOp?

  • extend your development skills
  • learn and do refactoring
  • learn the shell
  • learn the operation system
  • pull deployment with deployment hooks

Softwarearchitecture Of A Modern Onlinegame By Tobias Rojahn

Preliminary Consideration/Requirements

  • crossplattform (mobile and web)
  • realtime game (fast information about status changes)
  • multiplayer (user can influence each other)


  • user (request websocket from web server)
  • NodeJS (handles websocket connection to redis and global redis)
  • redis (message queue with push and pull)
  • php worker (long living php process, asks webservices or database, are forkable by using php forking mechanism)
  • if something is calculated by the php worker, the message is pushed in the global redis

The PHP Worker

  • long living workers
  • worker is observing the queue (and event handling) and is pushing the message to the dispatcher
  • each message has a type to push to the right controller
  • dispatcher is using the right controller (with a bunch of internal to external mapping and nearly zero logic)
  • controller is pushing the message to the right domain service (using the right domain objects and/or repositories)
  • controller is working with multiple db views
  • domain service can also call the event dispatcher to trigger other systems (not core systems)


  • only creates messages
  • just time controlled game events


  • only creates messages


  • socket (via socket io) replaces session
  • add additional data (with indexes to gain speed) to the socket (via message queues from php)
  • node to php: send all data
  • php to node: a combination of data to all connected sockets
  • forwarding of fitting messages (with removing of internal datas)


  • API-Tests
    • description
    • ingoing message (test data)
    • outgoing message (expectations)
  • based on fitrues
  • only php layer
  • rollback on each test


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