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version 1.0.0 of zend framework 2 console helper released

I happy to announce the release of 1.0.0 of bazzlines zend framework 2 console helper module for php.
This module should easy up implementing console commands supporting POSIX Signal Handling.
Furthermore, there are some simple but useful methods implemented:

  • getConsole()
  • getParameter($name)
  • getRequest()
  • hasBooleanParameter($shortName = '', $longName = '')
  • hasParameter($name)
  • throwExceptionIfNotCalledInsideAnCliEnvironment()

How can I use it?

namespace MyModule\Controller\Console;

use Exception;

class IndexController extends AbstractConsoleController
    public function indexAction()
        try {


            //some example items
            //  simple think about a lot of items that indicates longer
            //  processing runtime
            $items = array('one', 'two', 'three', 'four');

            //use implemented method to react on signal handling
                $items,             //big list of items
                $this,              //current object
                'processItem',      //method that should be called for each item
                $arguments = array( //additional arguments for method 'processItem' (if needed)
        } catch (Exception $exception) {

     * must be protected since it will be called from the parent
     * @param string $item
     * @param string $stringOne
     * @param string $stringTwo
    protected function processItem($item, $stringOne, $stringTwo)
        $console = $this->getConsole();
            'this is item "' . $item .
            '" with string one "' . $stringOne . '"' .
            '" and string two "' . $stringTwo . '"'

     * @return boolean
    private function beVerbose()
        return $this->hasBooleanParameter('v', 'verbose');

How can I install it?

with packagist

composer require net_bazzline/zf_console_helper:dev-master


mkdir -p vendor/net_bazzline/zf_console_helper
cd vendor/net_bazzline/zf_console_helper
git clone


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