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version 1.0.0 of process pipeline component for php released

I happy to announce the release of 1.0.0 of bazzlines process pipeline component for php. This component will easy up the creation of process pipe.

Indeed, it is a pseudo pipeline (process collection or process batch) since the php process is single threaded so far.

Special thanks to Ralf Westphal and especially for his book the architects napkin.


  • separate complex operations into simpler
  • easy up unit testing for smaller processes
  • separate responsibility (data generator/transformer/validator/flow manipulator)
  • create process chains you can read in the code (separate integration code from operation code)
  • no dependencies (except you want to join the development team)

How to use?

use Net\Bazzline\Component\ProcessPipe\ExecutableException;
use Net\Bazzline\Component\ProcessPipe\InvalidArgumentException;
use Net\Bazzline\Component\ProcessPipe\Pipe;

try {
    $pipe = new Pipe();

        new ProcessOne(), 
        new ProcessTwo()

    $output = $pipe->execute($input);
} catch (ExecutableException) {
    //handle process exception
} catch (InvalidArgumentException) {
    //handle pipe exception

How to install?

By Hand

mkdir -p vendor/net_bazzline/php_component_process_pipe
cd vendor/net_bazzline/php_component_process_pipe
git clone

With Packagist

composer require net_bazzline/php_component_process_pipe:dev-master


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