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web - The Apache Software Foundation Celebrates 15 Years of Open Source Innovation and Community Leadership

The Apache Software Foundation Celebrates 15 Years of Open Source Innovation and Community Leadership

Apache has been at the forefront of dozens of today's industry-defining technologies and tools; nearly every end-user computing device has been touched by at least one Apache product. Budapest, Hungary –19 November– At ApacheCon Europe, members of the Apache community commemorated The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)'s fifteenth anniversary and congratulated the people, projects, initiatives, and organizations that played a role in its success.

Recognized as the leader in community-led Open Source software development, the ASF was established to shepherd, develop, and incubate Open Source innovations "The Apache Way". Reflections on achievements over the past 15 years include:
ASF @ 15 Statement by Chairman Brett Porter
Sponsorship and Stewardship by President Ross Gardler
Community Over Code by Executive Vice President Rich Bowen


Thanks for all the fish :-). Fingers crossed the foundation will stay


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