version 1.4.1 of php locator generator component released
I happy to announce the release of 1.4.1 of bazzlines locator generator component for php. Important changes are:
- removed dependency to apigen
- implemented generation of "LocatorGeneratorInterface"
- easy up usage of examples by adding command "execute_example"
- added example for "method_name_without_namespace"
- updated api
- updated dependencies
- easy up usage of examples (by adding a "run.php" in the directories
- implemented "method_name_without_namespace" option in "FromPropelSchemaXmlAssembler" ("createMyTable" instead of "createMyNamespaceMyTable")
- refactored Command
- refactored FromArrayAssembler
- refactored FromPropelSchemaXmlAssembler
- fixed bug in propel name space FromPropelSchemaXmlAssembler
- refactored FromPropelSchemaXmlAssembler
- extended usage output
- enhanced Command (absolute configuration paths are now supported)
- fixed (stupid) broken unittest
- fixed error in Command (check if "bootstrap_file" exists in configuration was not well implemented)
- updated dependencies
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