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howto - add usage of owncloud to you android phone and your thunderbird


Big thanks to the "Google to Owncloud, Contacts and Calendar" entry. This really helps me a lot.
Especially, the link above tells you how to configure your android phone and your mozilla thunderbird (with lightning) to setup the synchronisation with your owncloud.
I gave it a try with "caldav free sync beta" but had a long run of bad luck. After a while, I gave "CalDAV-Sync" a try and it is worth its money since it is working out of the box. Setting up the "carddav" synchronization is also a no brainer, but converting the google contacts to the owncloud contacts is something not that easy for me as a no-gui-user.


For "carddav" (address book) synchronization, you need to install sogo connector.
For "caldav" (calendar) synchronization, you need to install "lightning". The "howto" is described in the first link above.


I found one issue in my owncloud configuration file (config/config.php) and could solve it by adding "1 => 'my.owncloud.domain:443'" to the "trusted domain" array key.


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