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arch linux error: key "CEB167EFB5722BD6" could not be looked up remotely

On some machines, I get the following error when I run an "pacman -Syyu".

error: key "CEB167EFB5722BD6" could not be looked up remotely

I've found the best fox so far on this page.

#open /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/gpg.conf as root
#comment out existing server address and replace with following
#save the file afterwards

#run following command as root
pacman-key --refresh-keys

#if the upgrade is still not working, signed the key (be aware to know what you are doing here!)
pacman-key --lsign-key CEB167EFB5722BD6

This was working on almost all machines. Only a few percent where still not able to be upgraded. What I did to fix this issue was to copy the the directory in "/etc/pacman.d/gnupg" from a working host to the not working one (make a backup first of course).


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