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howto - get rid of netbeans 7.2 and the endless scanning

I guess we all run into the problem of an endless scanning session provided by netbeans. I als run into this by using the new version 7.2. You know that netbeans is doing something strange when your ide slows down while the load goes up. Especially when "top" displays a hugh amount of used memory, swap space and cpu time, you know it is time to say "good bye" to your opened files and use a kill to force your will. But what to do after that? First you can try to delete the netbeans cache. If this did not work, you can install the plugin ScanOnDemand. If you need more information, you can take a look to

Happy / Fröhlichen Software Freedom Day :-)

Software Freedom Day (SFD) is an annual worldwide celebration of Free Software. SFD is a public education effort with the aim of increasing awareness of Free Software and its virtues, and encouraging its use. Software Freedom Day was established in 2004 and was first observed on 28 August of that year. About 12 teams participated in the first Software Freedom Day. Since that time it has grown in popularity and while organisers anticipated more than 1,000 teams in 2010[1] the event has stalled at around 400+ locations over the past two years, representing a 30% decrease over 2009. Since 2006 Software Freedom Day has been held on the third Saturday of September, it has occasionally coincided with International Talk Like a Pirate Day.
Source I stumbled (or maybe stumbled again) over the sfd by reading the A quick look to the homepage of sfd and the plan was clear, write a blog entry for that. Take some minutes an figure out if and how you can support the sfd or if something happens in your local area (and obviously go there ;-) ).

Software Freedom Day (SFD) ist eine jährliche, weltweite Veranstaltung, bei dem die Erfolge von freier und Open-Source-Software gefeiert werden und über deren Vorzüge informiert wird. Die Veranstaltung ist vermutlich die größte Veranstaltung zu freier Software weltweit. Die lokalen Veranstaltungen unterscheiden sich sehr in Umfang und Charakter. Bei den Veranstaltungen wurden etwa Kopien der Open CD verteilt. Dies ist eine Zusammenstellung ausgewählter freier Software für Windows. Zu den Sponsoren der Veranstaltung gehören unter anderem die Unternehmen Sun, Google und Canonical und die Free Software Foundation. Der SFD findet jeweils am dritten Samstag im September statt.
Quelle Das hat mich über den sfd aufmerksam gemacht (oder mich erneut daran erinnert ;-). Nachdem ich etwas Zeit auf deren Homepage verbracht habe, wurde mir sehr schnell klar, dass ich einen Blog-Eintrag darüber schreiben sollte. Nehmt euch etwas Zeit und informiert euch über den sfd. Eventuell könnt Ihr den sfd unterstützen oder ihr findet eine Veranstaltung in eurer Nähe (zu der Ihr dann auch geht :-)).

Happy programmers day :-D

Programmers' Day (Russian: День программи́ста) is an international professional holiday, recognized in many technology companies and programming firms[citation needed] , that is celebrated on the 256th (0x100th) day of each year (September 13 during common years and on September 12 in leap years). It is also officially recognized in Russia[1][2] and observed in several other countries including Poland, the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, France, China, India, Guatemala, Slovenia and Croatia.
The number 256 (28) was chosen because it is the number of distinct values that can be represented with an eight-bit byte — a value well known to programmers.[3] Starting from zero, the 256th value represented by a sequential permutation of 8 bits is unsigned integer 255, hexadecimal 0xff or binary 0b11111111. 256 is the highest power of two that is less than 365, the number of days in a common year.

Happy coding :-)))