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web - zend framework 2 released - php

Finally, the Zend Framework 2 is released. Thank you Team around Mr. Phinney, it was a joy to talk or read with you via irc (the new channel is now the old one called "#zftalk"). For the Zend Framework 1 Users, a lot of Singletons are gone (good bless this move). The new magic number two also simplifies the creation and usage of modules. Hopefully there will exist a garden full of lovely plugins and modules out there. If you want to take a look, try to read something about "Dependency Injection" and "EventManager" before. Zend Framework 1 should be supported for 12 or 24 months and a migration howto should be out there very soon. I'm very happy the framework is out since it was already a joy to work with the beta's (formally known as alphas ;-)) and of course learn all the new concepts. source


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