version 1.1.0 of php component requirement released
I happy to announce the release of 1.1.0 of bazzlines requirement component for php. Important changes are:
- added example WithDisabledCondition
- added example WithDisabledItem
- added getConditions() method to RequirementInterface - this easies up disabling single conditions or single items (by using condition->getItems())
- added migration howto
- added version eye and scrutinizer coverage
- covered AbstractItem and AbstractCondition with unit test
- created AbstractItem that implements ItemInterface
- created IsDisabledInterface
- created ItemInterface
- created TestCase that is extended by all phpunit tests
- implemented IsDisabledInterface to AbstractCondition
- implemented IsDisabledInterface to Requirement
- refactored ConditionInterface, addItem now only accepts ItemInterface instead of IsMetInterface
- refactored Condition::getItems() - now returns plain php array
- renamed ConditionAbstract to AbstractCondition
- renamed and updated previous WithShutdown example to WithDisabledRequirement
- updated dependencies
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