extended support for InteiilJ IDEA (means also phpstorm) for notion window manager
Just found the following block in the /etc/notion/cfg_kludges.lua file (arch linux).
-- InteiilJ IDEA - I wonder whether we should do this for *all* sun-awt-X11-XWindowPeer windows defwinprop { class = "jetbrains-idea-ce", instance = "sun-awt-X11-XWindowPeer", transient_mode = "current", } defwinprop { class = "jetbrains-idea-ce", instance = "sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer", transient_mode = "current", } defwinprop { class = "jetbrains-idea", instance = "sun-awt-X11-XWindowPeer", transient_mode = "current", } defwinprop { class = "jetbrains-idea", instance = "sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer", transient_mode = "current", }
Looks like they found a reason why working with phpstorm in notion was not that easy.
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