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froscon - supercool tool to create user documentation

We were just sitting around, having a chat and waiting for the next talks while a nice guy comes into our view area and asks a mighty question.

Do you want to see something cool?

Well ... I have to think about this for a few seconds, it could be cool cool or ... well, I am a kid from the internet so I figured out early that "cool" not always means "cool" for normal users.
But, we all decided to say "yes" and happily it does not turned out to became like "one night, in new york city".

He gave us a short demonstration on what is all about. It is easy as and cool as hell all in once!
When I am back, I have to show it around in my company (for open source projects, it is free).
What is it all about?
You can records "how tos" and create slideshows out it. Too cool, if you page changes (not the dom ids of course), the slideshow will get updated.

By the way, did I mention the asker was a super nice guy. Go for it, your dream is reachable :-).


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