howto - windows 7 service windows-audio could not start - error 1079
Do you ever had the problem that you have no sound on your windows 7? I have and it was hard to find the problem, since windows is acting so ... well not expected ;-). So you want to adjust the volume and an "here is a problem, let me search on the internat for a solution" windows is popping up. After you opened the service management and take a look at the dependencies, you started all needed service but getting the error 1079 again. What to do? Rightclick on the "windows-audio" entry and open properties ("einstellungen"). Click to tab login ("Anmeldung"), select "this account" option and enter "LocalService" as username and "0000" as password. Click Apply and try to start the service. Now everything should work smoothly. Thanks to to show me the way i have to look.
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